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Your privacyis very important to 4Service Inc. As part of the normal operation of this Website, we may collect and, in some cases, disclose information about you. Personally identifiable information about you may be used to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to statistically analyze usage of the Site, to improve our Website content and to customize our Website's content & layout. We believe these uses allow us to improve our Website and better tailor it to meet our user's needs. We may use your email address and, in certain situations, your mailing address or phone number, to contact you regarding administrative notices from time to time.

4Service Inc. does not sell, rent, or otherwise provide any personally identifiable information about you to any third party. We may aggregate non-personally identifiable information and disclose such information in aggregate to advertisers for other marketing and promotional purposes. However, in these situations we will not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to personally identify you.

Our policy only addresses the use and disclosure of information we may collect from you. To the extent that you disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties, or to third parties' advertisers who may advertise on the Website, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of personal information you disclose to them. We encourage you to ask questions before you disclose your personal information to third parties.

This Privacy policy is incorporated into and subject to the Terms and Conditions For Use of This Website.

4Service's Disaster Recovery Solutions, Real-Time Data Protection, Business Continuity Planning and Offsite Data Storage solutions: " No Recovery Strategy = No Data " ™. For service specific and other related information, please contact us.



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